Quality : DVDRip
Info : www.imdb.com/title/tt1566648
Starring : The Black Family, Geoffrey Canada and The Esparza Family
Genre : Documentary
R E S E N S I [Indonesian]
Buat orang Timur seperti kita, Amerika jelas adalah sebuah negara yang maju dengan pasti warganya pun mendapatkan pendidikan yang sangat maju pula. Nyatanya, anggapan itu tak sepenuhnya benar. Sistem pendidikan umum yang dijalankan di negeri Paman Sam ini nyatanya tak sebagus yang terlihat dari luar, banyak celah pada sistem yang membuat mereka yang tak terlalu 'beruntung' jadi terlewatkan dari program mencerdaskan bangsa ini.
Sistem pendidikan Amerika memang sempat membuahkan orang-orang besar nyatanya tak lagi berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Semboyan bahwa sistem pendidikan Amerika tak akan menjangkau semua anak ternyata hanyalah sebuah semboyan yang tak berwujud. Jutaan anak Amerika ternyata tak cukup beruntung untuk mengenyam pendidikan ini. Bukannya mendorong mereka untuk lebih maju, sistem pendidikan yang berjalan justru malah seolah menghalangi mereka dari kemajuan.
Davis Guggenheim, sutradara yang sempat meraih piala Oscar lewat film dokumenter berjudul AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH di tahun 2006 lalu mencoba membuka mata dunia dengan membuat film dokumenter berjudul WAITING FOR SUPERMAN ini. Para murid, keluarga mereka dan para pengajar adalah sumber materi yang menjadi bahan Davis dalam menyusun kisah tragis berdurasi 102 menit ini.
Make Eastern people like us, America clearly is an advanced country with its citizens must also obtain a very advanced education as well. In fact, the assumption was not entirely correct. Public education system that is run in the country, Uncle Sam is in fact not as good as that seen from the outside, many gaps in the system that makes them not-so 'lucky' to be missing from the nation this program.
American education system really had produced great men in fact no longer function properly. Motto that the American educational system will not reach all the children were merely a slogan that is not tangible. Millions of American children were not lucky enough to get an education. Instead of encouraging them to be more advanced, the education system that runs it even if they hinder the progress.
Davis Guggenheim, the director who had won an Oscar through his documentary An Inconvenient Truth in 2006 and then tried to open the eyes of the world by making a documentary film titled Waiting for this Superman. The students, their families and the teachers are the source material that is the subject of Davis in compiling the tragic story of a duration of 102 minutes of this.
Sistem pendidikan Amerika memang sempat membuahkan orang-orang besar nyatanya tak lagi berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Semboyan bahwa sistem pendidikan Amerika tak akan menjangkau semua anak ternyata hanyalah sebuah semboyan yang tak berwujud. Jutaan anak Amerika ternyata tak cukup beruntung untuk mengenyam pendidikan ini. Bukannya mendorong mereka untuk lebih maju, sistem pendidikan yang berjalan justru malah seolah menghalangi mereka dari kemajuan.
Davis Guggenheim, sutradara yang sempat meraih piala Oscar lewat film dokumenter berjudul AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH di tahun 2006 lalu mencoba membuka mata dunia dengan membuat film dokumenter berjudul WAITING FOR SUPERMAN ini. Para murid, keluarga mereka dan para pengajar adalah sumber materi yang menjadi bahan Davis dalam menyusun kisah tragis berdurasi 102 menit ini.
R E V I E W [English]
Make Eastern people like us, America clearly is an advanced country with its citizens must also obtain a very advanced education as well. In fact, the assumption was not entirely correct. Public education system that is run in the country, Uncle Sam is in fact not as good as that seen from the outside, many gaps in the system that makes them not-so 'lucky' to be missing from the nation this program.
American education system really had produced great men in fact no longer function properly. Motto that the American educational system will not reach all the children were merely a slogan that is not tangible. Millions of American children were not lucky enough to get an education. Instead of encouraging them to be more advanced, the education system that runs it even if they hinder the progress.
Davis Guggenheim, the director who had won an Oscar through his documentary An Inconvenient Truth in 2006 and then tried to open the eyes of the world by making a documentary film titled Waiting for this Superman. The students, their families and the teachers are the source material that is the subject of Davis in compiling the tragic story of a duration of 102 minutes of this.
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