No longer a fledgling upstart, Firefox is the gold standard of alternatives to the still-dominant Internet Explorer. Firefox 3.6 is full-featured, lightning fast, and secure. Its killer selection of add-ons remains strong, with built-in support for the next generation of themes, called Personas, plus the latest update makes version 3.6 about 20 percent faster than version 3.5. However, competition is strong and it can no longer be said that Firefox is the fastest browser available.
Several notable improvements in the latest revamp keep Firefox abreast of current browsing tech. In addition to the aforementioned improvements made to the TraceMonkey JavaScript engine so that it renders Web applications faster, there have also been other significant under-the-hood changes. These include: blocking third-party software from encroaching on Firefox's file system turf to increase stability; support for the Web Open Font Format, which means many non-English browser users should have a faster time loading Web pages with downloadable fonts; and support for the File interface, which can help with tasks such as uploading multiple photos and is part of the draft HTML5-standard effort. HTML5 support debuted in Firefox 3.5. Another deeper change to the browser is that it is now running scripts asynchronously, which can help to load a Web page faster by putting off some work until the high-priority chores are complete. Firefox 3.6 also isolates out-of-date plug-ins so they do not become a security risk.
Unlike Firefox 3.5, which was more about keeping the browser current rather than blazing new trails, Firefox 3.6 is once again on the warpath. Upgrading is highly recommended.

Beberapa perbaikan penting dalam mengikuti perkembangan terbaru merubah Firefox browsing saat ini teknologi. Selain perbaikan tersebut dibuat untuk mesin TraceMonkey JavaScript sehingga membuat aplikasi web lebih cepat, ada juga perubahan lain di bawah tenda-signifikan. Ini termasuk: pemblokiran perangkat lunak pihak ketiga menjarah di kandang sistem file Firefox untuk meningkatkan stabilitas, dukungan untuk Web Terbuka Font Format, yang berarti banyak pengguna browser non-Inggris harus memiliki waktu yang lebih cepat loading halaman web dengan font yang didownload, dan dukungan untuk File antarmuka, yang dapat membantu dengan tugas-tugas seperti upload beberapa foto dan merupakan bagian dari upaya draft HTML5-standar. HTML5 dukungan debutnya di Firefox 3.5. Perubahan lain lebih ke browser adalah bahwa sekarang menjalankan skrip asynchronously, yang dapat membantu untuk memuat halaman web lebih cepat dengan menunda beberapa pekerjaan sampai prioritas-tinggi tugas selesai. Firefox 3.6 juga isolat out-of-date in plug-sehingga mereka tidak menjadi risiko keamanan.
Tidak seperti Firefox 3.5, yang lebih lanjut tentang menjaga browser sekarang daripada terik jalan baru, Firefox 3.6 adalah sekali lagi pada sifat suka berperang tersebut. Upgrade sangat dianjurkan
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