
27 Maret 2011

Last Night

Date Released : 5 November 2010
Quality : BRRip
Info : www.imdb.com/title/tt1294688
Starring : Keira Knightley, Sam Worthington and Eva Mendes
Genre : Drama | Romance

R E V I E W [English]

The story follows a married couple, apart for a night while the husband takes a business trip with a colleague to whom he's attracted. While he's resisting temptation, his wife encounters her past love.

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Jack Falls

Date Released : 21 March 2011
Quality : DVDRip
Info : www.imdb.com/title/tt1381508
Starring : Tamer Hassan, Simon Phillips and Olivia Hallinan
Genre : Crime

R E V I E W [English]

Former undercover police officer Jack Adleth returns to London seeking those who tried to have him killed in Amsterdam.

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Age of Dragons

Date Released : 2011
Quality : BRRip
Info : www.imdb.com/title/tt1594917
Starring : Danny Glover, Vinnie Jones and Corey Sevier
Genre : Action | Fantasy | Sci-Fi | Thriller

R E V I E W [English]

Age of the Dragons is a re-imagining of Herman Melville's classic novel Moby Dick. Set in a mythical realm where Captain Ahab and crew hunt dragons for the vitriol that powers their world, Ishmael, a charismatic harpooner joins their quest. Ahab's adopted daughter Rachel, beautiful and tough, runs the hunting vessel. Ahab's obsession is to seek revenge on a great "White Dragon" that slaughtered his family when he was young and left his body scarred and mauled, drives the crew deeper into the heart of darkness. In the White Dragon's lair Ahab's secrets are revealed and Rachel must choose between following him on his dark quest or escaping to a new life with Ishmael.

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Half Moon

Date Released : 1 October 2010
Quality : DVDRip
Info : www.imdb.com/title/tt1713452
Starring : Tori Black, Marek Matousek and Torey D. Sutton
Genre : Horror

R E V I E W [English]

"Half Moon" tells the story of a city gripped with fear because of a man killing prostitutes. When down on her luck prostitute Rose (Shellie Chapman aka Tori Black) goes to a hotel to meet a man who seems like the perfect guy things soon change and she suspects he could be the killer ...or worse a Werewolf!

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26 Maret 2011


Date Released : 11 February 2011
Quality : DVDRip
Info : www.imdb.com/title/tt1542852
Starring : Ricardo Darín, Martina Gusman and Carlos Weber
Genre : Crime | Drama | Romance | Thriller

R E V I E W [English]

In Argentina over 8,000 people die in traffic accidents every year. Behind each of these tragedies is a flourishing industry founded on insurance payouts and legal loopholes. Sosa is a lawyer who tours the A&E Departments of the public hospitals and the police stations in search of potential clients. Luján is a young doctor recently arrived from the provinces. Their love story kicks off one night when Luján and Sosa meet in the street. She's trying to save a man's life; he wants him on his client portfolio.

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24 Maret 2011

Storm Warrior aka Storm Rider 2 (Fung Wan II)

Date Released : 10 December 2009
Quality : BDRip
Info : www.imdb.com/title/tt1186371
Starring : Aaron Kwok, Ekin Cheng and Kenny Ho
Genre : Action | Adventure | Fantasy

R E V I E W [English]

Japanese evil warlord Lord Godless desired to conquer China. He imprisoned a large number of martial artists and tried to make them subjugate. Among the prisoners were Cloud and the martial arts elder statesman Nameless. Wind came to the rescue. The trio was badly wounded by Lord Godlesss evil martial arts attack. Chu Chu was also knocked out when she blocked Cloud from Lord Godlesss strike. The remaining martial artists sacrificed their lives to save the trio, in the hope that the trio would beat Lord Godless one day and save the country.Chu Chu was badly wounded and stayed unconscious. Cloud was filled with remorse and vowed to take revenge.

Wind chose to take the evil way to quickly boost up his martial arts skills, so that he could protect the people. During his training, he met the girl who changed his life, Dream. Meanwhile, the troop of Lord Godless came to attack. Winds training was interrupted when he tried to save Dream from Lord Godlesss assault. After some killings, Wind ran away and disappeared....

Lord Godless took The Emperor in captivity and stationed his troops in Heaven Cave. Cloud arrived alone and started a combat with Lord Godless. Lord Godless had the upper hand. In the meantime, the half-evil Wind appeared and joined the battle. During the fight, they inadvertently discovered the secret of the sovereign. The real intention of Lord Godlesss invasion was related to an ancient tomb, a forbidden ground buried with the Royal familys secret. The truth was finally revealed. At last, how would the battle end? Who would eventually rule over the country?

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Road Train : Road Kill

Date Released : 2010
Quality : BRRip
Info : www.imdb.com/title/tt1241330
Starring : Bob Morley, Sophie Lowe and Georgina Haig
Genre : Horror | Sci-Fi | Thriller

R E S E N S I (Indonesia)

Sebuah thriller bernuansa supranatural menceritakan tentang sekelompok remaja yang diteror oleh truk tanpa pengendara yang terjadi di pedalaman Australia.

R E V I E W (English)

A nuanced supernatural thriller tells the story of a group of teenagers are terrorized by a truck without a driver in the outback of Australia.

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La Femme Nikita

Date Released : April 1991
Quality : BRRip
Info : www.imdb.com/title/tt0100263
Starring : Anne Parillaud, Marc Duret and Patrick Fontana
Genre : Crime | Drama | Romance | Thriller

R E V I E W [English]

Nikita est très jeune, elle a vingt ans, mais elle a emprunté une mauvaise voie. Pendant un hold-up avec sa bande, elle tue un policier et est condamnée à la prison à vie. Les services secrets, par contre, lui offrent une voie de sortie : devenir un agent spécial, prêt à tout, à leur service. Nikita accepte et commence ainsi un apprentissage très dur qui concerne non seulement les différents modes de tuer, de prendre la fuite ou de faire face à des situations imprévues, mais aussi la manière de se comporter en femme qui a de la classe, capable de se conduire avec aisance dans tous les milieux. Sous la conduite de Bob, Nikita arrive à freiner son caractère rebelle et à surmonter la terrible épreuve finale. Elle semble être devenue une personne différente et tombe amoureuse. Mais faut-il faire confiance aux services secrets ?

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22 Maret 2011

Essential Killing

Date Released : 22 October 2010
Quality : DVDRip
Info : www.imdb.com/title/tt1561768
Starring : Vincent Gallo, Emmanuelle Seigner and David L. Price
Genre : Thriller | War

R E V I E W [English]

A Taliban member who lives in Afghanistan is taken captive by the Americans after killing three American soldiers. He is transferred to Europe for interrogation but manages to escape from his captors and becomes an escaped convict on a continent he does not know.

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United Six

Date Released : 4 February 2011
Quality : DVDScr
Info : www.imdb.com/title/tt1821692
Starring : Brahim Achabbakhe, Leigh Barwell and Isha Batwe
Genre : Action | Thriller

 R E V I E W [English]

They were six ordinary girls, until they got UNITED SIX !

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Date Released : 14 May 2010
Quality : DVDRip
Info : www.imdb.com/title/tt1425253
Starring : Jake Muxworthy, Karina Testa and Nuot Arquint
Genre : Horror

R E V I E W [English]

When a young soldier leaves for a mountain biking excursion he meets the girl of his dreams as well a group of violent locals who want to see them dead at any cost.

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Dare Devil

Date Released : 14 February 2003
Quality : BRRip
Info : www.imdb.com/title/tt0287978/
Starring : Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner and Colin Farrell
Genre : Action | Crime | Fantasy

R E S E N S I [Indonesian]

Tokoh ini memiliki penggemar tersendiri yang cukup fanatik sehingga mendorong perusahaan film Fox bersedia membiayai pembuatan film layar lebarnya yang mencapai US$ 75 juta. Beberapa aktor ternama Hollywood yaitu Ben Affleck, Michael Clarke Duncan dan Colin Farrel didapuk untuk membintangi film yang diarahkan oleh sutradara Michael Steven Johnson ini. Jika Ben Affleck memerankan tokoh Daredevil, maka Michael Clarke Duncan yang melejit namanya lewat film Tom Hanks "The Green Mile" (1999), memerankan bos besar dunia kejahatan Wilson Fisk yang dikenal dengan nama Kingpin. Sedangkan aktor asal Irlandia Colin Farrel memerankan tangan kanan Kingpin, Bullseye. Tentu tidak dilupakan tokoh wanita dalam film ini yaitu Elektra Natchios (Jennifer Garner).

Dikisahkan tentang seorang anak lelaki yang bernama Matt Murdock (Scott Terra) menyelamatkan seorang pria tua dari hantaman sebuah truk. Walau pria tua itu selamat, Matt mendapat kecelakaan karena tong sampah radioaktif yang diangkut truk itu tumpah dan menimpa Matt. Memang Matt selamat namun mengalami kebutaan pada matanya. Tetapi tidak seseorangpun tahu bahwa sampah radioaktif itu justru membuat empat pancaindera Matt yang tersisa menjadi sangat peka dan jauh di atas batas normal. Sehingga iapun mendapat kemampuan seperti radar yang dapat memantau keadaan sekitar dirinya.

Matt tumbuh menjadi jaksa penuntut terkenal di Hell’s Kitchen, sebuah wilayah kumuh di Manhattan, New York. Matt dewasa (Ben Affleck) bersama rekannya Foggy Nelson (Jon Favreau), sering menuntut kasus kejahatan yang berkaitan dengan Kingpin dan tangan kanannya, Bullseye. Walau tidak jarang Matt menang dalam kasus melawan anak buah Kingpin, namun ia juga sering kalah sehingga para kriminal pun bebas. Tetapi Matt tidak membiarkan mereka karena pada malam harinya, Matt berubah menjadi superhero yang bernama Daredevil. Dengan kemampuan akrobatik yang dilatih selama bertahun-tahun dan kemampuan mengindera supernya, Matt sebagai Daredevil membasmi penjahat di luar jalur hukum.

Dalam perjalanan Matt sebagai Daredevil, tidak jarang ia berhadapan dengan Kingpin dan Bullseye yang menganggap Daredevil sebagai musuh berbuyutan. Selain itu, Matt juga harus menghadapi seorang wanita pembunuh bayaran, Elektra Natchios yang ingin membunuh Daredevil karena dianggap Elektra sebagai pihak bertanggungjawab atas kematian ayahnya. Masalahnya antara Daredevil dan Elektra juga tumbuh ketertarikan satu sama lain. Sehingga timbul situasi yang cukup membingungkan karena mereka jadi tidak tahu apakah saling menghancurkan atau saling mencintai.

R E V I E W [English]

This figure has its own fans rabid enough to encourage Fox film company willing to finance the wide-screen filmmaking that reached U.S. $ 75 million. Some famous Hollywood actor is Ben Affleck, Michael Clarke Duncan and Colin Farrell lined up to star in film directed by Michael Steven Johnson this. If Ben Affleck playing the character Daredevil, Michael Clarke Duncan is a rising name by Tom Hanks movie "The Green Mile" (1999), portray the world's major crime boss Wilson Fisk is known as the Kingpin. Meanwhile, Irish actor Colin Farrell plays the right hand Kingpin, Bullseye. Certainly not forgotten heroine in this film that is Elektra Natchios (Jennifer Garner).

It was told about a boy named Matt Murdock (Scott Terra) to save an elderly man from the blow of a truck. Although the old man survived, Matt had an accident because the transported radioactive trash truck spilled and hit Matt. Indeed, Matt survived but suffered blindness in her eyes. But not seseorangpun know that radioactive waste that just made Matt's four remaining senses become very sensitive and well above the normal limit. So he also gets the ability like radar that can monitor the situation around him.

Matt grew into the famous prosecutor in Hell's Kitchen, a slum area in Manhattan, New York. Adult Matt (Ben Affleck) with his partner Foggy Nelson (Jon Favreau), often prosecute cases of crimes related to the Kingpin and his right hand, Bullseye. Although not uncommon Matt won the case against the men Kingpin, but he also often lost so that the criminals are free. But Matt did not let them because that night, Matt turned into a superhero named Daredevil. With acrobatic skills trained for years and sensing capabilities supernya, Matt as Daredevil eradicate criminals outside legal channels.

On the way Matt as Daredevil, not infrequently he was confronted with the Kingpin and Bullseye Daredevil as an enemy that considers berbuyutan. In addition, Matt also must deal with a female assassin, Elektra Natchios who want to kill Daredevil as Elektra regarded as the party responsible for the death of his father. The problem between Daredevil and Elektra is also growing interest in one another. So arises the situation is quite confusing because they are so do not know whether to destroy each other or love each other.

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17 Maret 2011

DJ Team - Amnezia - Dance Explosion Chapter 04 (2011)

VA - Amnezia - Dance Explosion Chapter 04 (2011)
Genre: House / Dance | 1CD | Release: 2011 | 176.39 MB

01. DESAPARECIDO - La Noche (Lanfranchi & Farina Remix)
02. THE NYCER ft. DEECI - Nasty Girl (Club Mix)
03. TIESTO vs DIPLO ft. BUSTA RHYMES - C'mon (Catch Em By Suprise) (Extended Club Mix)
04. TWIN BLOOD - Once Again (Extended Mix)
05. NICOLA FASANO ft. STEVE FOREST - Jolly Roger Symphony (Nicola Fasano & Steve Forest Vocal Mix)
06. REMADY ft. MANU L - Save Your Heart (Extended Mix)
07. F. CHARM ft. FILIP - Eyo (Andeeno Damassy Remix)
08. R.I.O - Like I Love You (Money-G Remix)
09. JASPER FORKS - Alone (Money-G Club Mix)
10. ARMIN VAN BUUREN ft. CHRISTIAN BURNS - This Light Between Us (Great Strings Mix)
11. MIRAMI ft. VOVA ZIL'VOVA - Sexuall Madness (Beam Remix)
12. LOLITA - Joli Garcon (Rob & Chris Remix)
13. DJ BOBO - Somebody Dance With Me 2K10 (Dj Cargo vs Kei Morton Club Remix)
14. TOSCH ft. CHRISTINA - Somewhere Over The Rainbow 2k11 (Sean Finn Remix)
15. PH ELECTRO - Englishman In New York (Djs From Mars Club Mix)
16. TIM BERG - Seek Bromance (samuele Sartini Extended Mix)
17. MILK & SUGAR vs VAYA CON DIOS - Hey (Nah Neh Nah) (Club Mix)


Michael Jackson - Dimond Collection (2005)

Michael Jackson - Dimond Collection (2005)
Year: 2005 | Length: 01:18:11 | Quality: Lossless | Size: 564.89 Mb
Genre: Pop

Tracklist :

01 Billie Jean
02 Black Or White
03 Thriller
04 Remember The Time
05 Smooth Criminal
06 You Are Not Alone
07 Bad
08 Come Together
09 Blood On The Dancefloor
10 Dirty Diana
11 Earth Song
12 The Way You Make Me Feel
13 Scream (with Janet Jackson)
14 Say Say Say (feat. Paul McCartney)
15 They Don't Care About Us
16 Heal The World
17 Bonus: Message From Michael Jackson


DJ Dark Floyd - Dark Project Vol.2 (2011)

DJ Dark Floyd - Dark Project Vol.2 (2011)
Electro-House | 14 Tracks | Mp3 | 320 kbps | 133.2 Mb


Dido - No Angel (Special Limited Edition 2 CD)

Artist: Dido
Title: No Angel (Special Limited Edition)(2 CD)
Date of Realise: 2001
Genre: Pop
Total Tracks: 17
Format: FLAC
Quality: Lossless
Total Time: 00:51:58 & 00:31:42
Size: 556 MB

CD 1:
01. (00:04:15) Dido - Here With Me (Dido Armstrong, Pascal Gabriel, Paul Statham)
02. (00:03:57) Dido - Hunter (D. Armstrong, Rollo Armstrong)
03. (00:04:33) Dido - Don't Think Of Me (D. Armstrong, R. Armstrong, Paul Herman, Pauline Taylor)
04. (00:04:27) Dido - My Lover's Gone (D. Armstrong, Jamie Catto)
05. (00:03:54) Dido - All You Want (D. Armstrong, R. Armstrong, Herman)
06. (00:03:39) Dido - Thank You (D. Armstrong, Herman)
07. (00:04:38) Dido - Honestly OK (D. Armstrong, R. Armstrong, Matt Benbrook)
08. (00:04:51) Dido - Slide (D. Armstrong, Herman)
09. (00:03:56) Dido - Isobel (D. Armstrong, R. Armstrong)
10. (00:03:55) Dido - I'm No Angel (D. Armstrong, Gabriel, Statham)
11. (00:03:00) Dido - My Life (D. Armstrong, R. Armstrong, Mark Bates)
12. (00:06:53) Dido - Take My Hand (D. Armstrong, Richard Dekkard)
CD 2:
1. (00:03:56) Dido - Here With Me (Lukas Burton Mix)
2. (00:09:29) Dido - Thank You (Deep Dish Remix)
3. (00:06:07) Dido - Hunter (MJ Cole Remix)
4. (00:08:05) Dido - Take My Hand (Rollo & Sister Bliss Remix)
5. (00:04:05) Dido - Christmas Day


16 Maret 2011

Disco 80 Golden hits 2 (MP3)


1. Boney M - Sunny (3:55)
2. Smokie - Oh Carol (3:40)
3. Dschinghis Khan - Rocking Son Of Dschinghis Khan (4:16)
4. Modern Talking - Brother Louie (3:39)
5. Baccara - Sorry, I'm A Lady (3:35)
6. Blue System - Under My Skin (3:33)
7. Ricchi E Poveri - Voulez-Vous Danser (3:42)
8. Samantha Fox - Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now (3:37)
9. Amanda Lear - hese Boots Are Made For Walkin' (3:08)
10. La Bionda - 1-2-3-4 Gimme Some More (3:25)
11. Rick Astley - Together Foreyer (Lover's Leap Remix) (3:19)
12. Al Bano & Romina Power - Sharazan (3:25)
13. Dolly Parton - The House Of The Rising Sun (3:59)
14. The Teens - Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Your Love (3:33)
15. Gazebo - Telephone Mama (5:42)
16. Falco - Der Kommissar (3:46)
17. Den Harrow - Charleston (4:48)
18. Pupo - Burrattino Telecomandato (3:02)


Peter Pan

Date Released : 18 February 2004
Quality : BRRip
Info : www.imdb.com/title/tt0316396
Starring : Jeremy Sumpter, Jason Isaacs and Olivia Williams
Genre : Adventure | Family | Fantasy | Romance

R E V I E W [English]

In stifling Edwardian London, Wendy Darling mesmerizes her brothers every night with bedtime tales of swordplay, swashbuckling and the fearsome Captain Hook. But the children become the heroes of an even greater story, when Peter Pan flies into their nursery one night and leads them over moonlit rooftops through a galaxy of stars and to the lush jungles of Neverland. Wendy and her brothers join Peter and the Lost Boys in an exhilarating life--free of grown-up rules--while also facing the inevitable showdown with Hook and his bloodthirsty pirates

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Attack On Pearl Harbour

Attack on Pearl Harbor
Size:174 Mb

In Attack on Pearl Harbor, players can sign up for either side as they are offered the role of daring US gunner turned pilot Douglas Knox or Japanese ace Zenji Yamada. History's yours to shape: Either nation can win the war depending on your actions as players battle for supremacy behind the cockpits of some of the most prolific fighters, bombers and torpedo-bearing aircraft of the WWII Pacific Theater. Playable planes include Japan's Mitsubishi A6M Zero, the D3A1 Aichi Val and the B5N Nakajima Kate as well as America's Chance Vought F4U Corsair, the Douglas SBD Dauntless and the Grumman TBM Avenger.
Intuitive Controls Pick up and play the game via a simple, straightforward control scheme that'll have anyone flying in seconds
Multiplayer Dogfight Action Up to 12 players can fight it out via the Internet or LAN, fly solo or team up in squadrons as either nation
Choose Your Side The campaign mode offers players the chance to take on the role of dashing Douglas Knox of the USAAF or fighter pilot Zenji Yamada of the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service.
Riveting Action Take off from the deck of an aircraft carrier in the most prolific fighters, bombers and torpedo-bearing aircraft of the WWII Pacific Theatre
Historical Locations Fight the selfsame battles that determined the outcome of the war including Doolittle Raid, Pearl Harbor, The Battle of Midway and Iwo Jima
Recommended system requirements:
CPU/Processor: Intel P4 2.2 GHz/AMD Athlon XP 2200
Graphics Card: nVidia GeForce 4 TI/ATI Radeon 8500, 128MB
RAM: 1024MB
Hard Drive: 500MB
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
Operating System: Windows XP/Vista
DirectX: 9.0c or better
CD/DVD-ROM: 12x or higher 


Warcraft III The Frozen Throne

Warcraft III + The Frozen Throne

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (War3 or WC3) is a real-time strategy computer game released by Blizzard Entertainment in July 2002. It is the second sequel to Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, the third game set in the Warcraft Universe.
The game proved to be one of the most anticipated and popular computer game releases ever, with 4.5 million units preordered and over one million additional units sold within a month. Warcraft III won many awards including "Game of the Year" from more than six different publications.

Warcraft III contains four playable races: Humans and Orcs, which had previously appeared in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans and Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, and the Night Elves and Undead, which are new to the Warcraft mythos. Warcraft III's campaign is laid out similarly to that of StarCraft, being told through all four of the game's races in a progressive manner.


Midnight Nowhere

Midnight Nowhere
PC game | Genre: Horror Action Adventure | Midnight Nowhere is an adventure murder mystery set in a small town haunted by a serial killer. People are leaving the town in panic, the police are bending over backwards to catch the criminal, the military are putting cordons round the town but nothing can stop the maniac. New people are found dead every day. Horror and death reign over the town... Suffering from amnesia, you are cast right into the middle of this frightening scenario as you try to find out what you're doing in the middle of a room full of bodies. In this suspenseful, story-driven adventure you will solve numerous puzzles and battle creatures of the dark to reveal the ultimate mystery. Prepare yourself for a thrilling experience in a stunningly beautiful 3D world of suspense and horror.
Stunning 3D graphics and animation;
More then 60 immersive environments to explore;
Numerous puzzles to solve and characters to encounter
Thrilling atmosphere and intriguing storyline will keep you glued to your seat for hours and hours.
Install Notes
Run "setup.bat"
Start game with "MidNowhere.exe" 


Surat Cinta Seorang Programmer (Love Letter of a Programmer)

Kukagumi indahmu
C bahkan Perl tersipu
Pointerku dengan sukarela ku alamatkan padamu
Hipnotis . . .
Logic-ku membingungkan
Sudah berulang kali aku debug
Tak satupun bug kutemui
Boelean sudah tak memadai
AI mungkin yang bisa memahami
Area abu-abu yang engkau tawarkan
Pendekatan struktural berantakan tak karuan
Objekku adalah representasi class-mu
Engkau bahkan bukan lagi variabel bagiku
Engkau adalah konstanta abadi yang tak tergantikan

 رسالة حب من مبرمج
أنا معجب بك جميلة
جيم احمر خجلا حتى بيرل
تطوعت مؤشر بلدي موجهة إليكم
التنويم المغناطيسي. . .
منطق الخلط بين لي
لقد كان لي عدة مرات تصحيح
لا شيء من البق التقيت
Boelean غير كافية بالفعل
منظمة العفو الدولية يمكن ان يفهم على الارجح
المنطقة الرمادية التي تقدم
الطريقة البنائية فوضوي ذريعا
كائن بلدي هو تمثيل مو من الدرجة
أنت لن تكون بالنسبة لي حتى متغير
كنت ثوابت لا يمكن الاستغناء عنه الدائمة
English UK
love letter of a programmer
I admire your beautiful
C even blushed Perl
I volunteered my pointer addressed to you
Hypnosis. . .
Logic confuse me
It has been several times I debug
None of the bugs I met
Boelean already inadequate
AI probably could understand
The gray area that you are offering
Structural approach abysmally messy
My object is a representation of class-mu
You would not even be variable for me
You are an irreplaceable perennial constants
Liebesbrief eines Programmierers
Ich bewundere Ihre schöne
C sogar errötete Perl
Ich meldete mich freiwillig meine Zeiger an Sie adressierten
Hypnose. . .
Logic verwirren mich
Er hat mehrere Male war ich debuggen
Keiner der Bugs, die ich traf
Boelean bereits unzureichend
AI wohl verstehen konnte,
Die graue Fläche, die Sie anbieten
Strukturelle Ansatz abgrundtief unordentlich
Mein Ziel ist eine Darstellung der Klasse-mu
Sie würden nicht einmal Variable für mich
Sie sind ein unersetzlicher mehrjährige Konstanten

Chinese (Simple)

私の目的は、class -ムー表現です

 프로그래머 연애 편지
당신의 아름다운 감탄
C는 심지어 Perl을 blushed
포인터 당신에게 주소 자원
최면. . .
논리 혼란
내가 디버그 여러 왔다
내가 만난 버그 없음
Boelean 이미 불충 분한
AI는 아마 이해할
당신 제공하는 회색 지대
구조적 접근 abysmally 지저분한
개체 클래스 표현입니다
당신은 아직 날 위해 변수 않을
당신 바꾸어 놓을 수없는 다년생 상수 아르

C แม้เขิน Perl
การสะกดจิต . .
Boelean ไม่เพียงพออยู่แล้ว
AI น่าจะสามารถเข้าใจได้
วิธีการโครงสร้าง abysmally ยุ่ง
วัตถุของฉันคือตัวแทนของชั้น MU -

 tình yêu của lập trình một lá thư
Tôi ngưỡng mộ xinh đẹp của bạn
C thậm chí đỏ mặt Perl
Tôi tình nguyện làm con trỏ của tôi gửi đến bạn
Thôi miên. . .
Logic gây nhầm lẫn cho tôi
đã được nhiều lần tôi gỡ rối
Không có các lỗi tôi đã gặp
Boelean đã không đầy đủ
AI có lẽ có thể hiểu
Vùng màu xám bạn đang cung cấp
Kết cấu lộn xộn tiếp cận abysmally
Đối tượng của tôi một đại diện của mu-class
Bạn sẽ không thể biến cho tôi
Bạn là một hằng số cây lâu năm không thể thay thế