Quality : DVDRip
Info : www.imdb.com/title/tt1073105
Starring : Shauna Macdonald, Douglas Hodge and Joshua Dallas
Genre : Adventure | Horror | Thriller
R E S E N S I [Indonesian]
Saat keluar dari dalam gua, Sarah Carter (Shauna Macdonald) sama sekali tak bisa mengingat apa yang telah ia alami. Yang ia tahu adalah bahwa ia sangat ketakutan sementara sekujur tubuhnya berlumuran darah yang bukan miliknya. Sarah sama sekali tak ingat bahwa sebelumnya ia bersama kelima temannya telah menjelajahi gua yang baru saja ditinggalkannya.
Karena tak bisa mengingat kejadian sebelumnya, Sarah juga tak bisa menjelaskan apa pun pada polisi. Akibatnya, polisi pun memaksa Sarah untuk mengantarkan mereka ke dalam gua tempat ia tadi keluar. Polisi berharap setelah di dalam gua, Sarah bisa mengingat apa yang terjadi dan menuntun polisi ke arah kelima temannya yang belum ditemukan.
Semakin jauh Sarah dan para polisi itu masuk ke dalam gua, ingatan Sarah berangsur pulih walaupun hanya berbentuk kilasan kenangan saja. Baru setelah rombongan pencarian itu masuk jauh ke dalam gua, Sarah menyadari bahwa misi yang sedang mereka lakukan ini lebih berbahaya dari yang mereka kira. Ada makhluk penghuni gua yang tak ingin mereka menjelajahi wilayahnya. Makhluk yang sama juga yang telah merenggut nyawa kelima teman Sarah.
R E V I E W [English]
When out of the cave, Sarah Carter (Shauna Macdonald) simply could not remember what he had experienced. All he knew was that she was very scared while his whole body covered in blood that was not hers. Sarah did not remember that before he and five friends had been exploring caves that had just left.
Because I can not remember the previous incident, she also could not explain anything to the police. As a result, the police had forced her to drive them into the cave where he had come out. Police hope after in the cave, she could remember what had happened and led police to the five friends who have not been found.
The farther Sarah and the policemen entered the cave, the memory of Sarah gradually recovered, although only in the form of flash memory only. Only after the search party had entered deep into the cave, she realizes that the mission they are doing is more dangerous than they think. There is a cave dweller creatures who do not want them to explore the territory. The same creature that has claimed the lives of five friends Sarah.
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