Quality : BRRip
Info : www.imdb.com/title/tt0287978/
Starring : Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner and Colin Farrell
Genre : Action | Crime | Fantasy
R E S E N S I [Indonesian]
Tokoh ini memiliki penggemar tersendiri yang cukup fanatik sehingga mendorong perusahaan film Fox bersedia membiayai pembuatan film layar lebarnya yang mencapai US$ 75 juta. Beberapa aktor ternama Hollywood yaitu Ben Affleck, Michael Clarke Duncan dan Colin Farrel didapuk untuk membintangi film yang diarahkan oleh sutradara Michael Steven Johnson ini. Jika Ben Affleck memerankan tokoh Daredevil, maka Michael Clarke Duncan yang melejit namanya lewat film Tom Hanks "The Green Mile" (1999), memerankan bos besar dunia kejahatan Wilson Fisk yang dikenal dengan nama Kingpin. Sedangkan aktor asal Irlandia Colin Farrel memerankan tangan kanan Kingpin, Bullseye. Tentu tidak dilupakan tokoh wanita dalam film ini yaitu Elektra Natchios (Jennifer Garner).
Dikisahkan tentang seorang anak lelaki yang bernama Matt Murdock (Scott Terra) menyelamatkan seorang pria tua dari hantaman sebuah truk. Walau pria tua itu selamat, Matt mendapat kecelakaan karena tong sampah radioaktif yang diangkut truk itu tumpah dan menimpa Matt. Memang Matt selamat namun mengalami kebutaan pada matanya. Tetapi tidak seseorangpun tahu bahwa sampah radioaktif itu justru membuat empat pancaindera Matt yang tersisa menjadi sangat peka dan jauh di atas batas normal. Sehingga iapun mendapat kemampuan seperti radar yang dapat memantau keadaan sekitar dirinya.
Matt tumbuh menjadi jaksa penuntut terkenal di Hell’s Kitchen, sebuah wilayah kumuh di Manhattan, New York. Matt dewasa (Ben Affleck) bersama rekannya Foggy Nelson (Jon Favreau), sering menuntut kasus kejahatan yang berkaitan dengan Kingpin dan tangan kanannya, Bullseye. Walau tidak jarang Matt menang dalam kasus melawan anak buah Kingpin, namun ia juga sering kalah sehingga para kriminal pun bebas. Tetapi Matt tidak membiarkan mereka karena pada malam harinya, Matt berubah menjadi superhero yang bernama Daredevil. Dengan kemampuan akrobatik yang dilatih selama bertahun-tahun dan kemampuan mengindera supernya, Matt sebagai Daredevil membasmi penjahat di luar jalur hukum.
Dalam perjalanan Matt sebagai Daredevil, tidak jarang ia berhadapan dengan Kingpin dan Bullseye yang menganggap Daredevil sebagai musuh berbuyutan. Selain itu, Matt juga harus menghadapi seorang wanita pembunuh bayaran, Elektra Natchios yang ingin membunuh Daredevil karena dianggap Elektra sebagai pihak bertanggungjawab atas kematian ayahnya. Masalahnya antara Daredevil dan Elektra juga tumbuh ketertarikan satu sama lain. Sehingga timbul situasi yang cukup membingungkan karena mereka jadi tidak tahu apakah saling menghancurkan atau saling mencintai.
R E V I E W [English]
This figure has its own fans rabid enough to encourage Fox film company willing to finance the wide-screen filmmaking that reached U.S. $ 75 million. Some famous Hollywood actor is Ben Affleck, Michael Clarke Duncan and Colin Farrell lined up to star in film directed by Michael Steven Johnson this. If Ben Affleck playing the character Daredevil, Michael Clarke Duncan is a rising name by Tom Hanks movie "The Green Mile" (1999), portray the world's major crime boss Wilson Fisk is known as the Kingpin. Meanwhile, Irish actor Colin Farrell plays the right hand Kingpin, Bullseye. Certainly not forgotten heroine in this film that is Elektra Natchios (Jennifer Garner).
It was told about a boy named Matt Murdock (Scott Terra) to save an elderly man from the blow of a truck. Although the old man survived, Matt had an accident because the transported radioactive trash truck spilled and hit Matt. Indeed, Matt survived but suffered blindness in her eyes. But not seseorangpun know that radioactive waste that just made Matt's four remaining senses become very sensitive and well above the normal limit. So he also gets the ability like radar that can monitor the situation around him.
Matt grew into the famous prosecutor in Hell's Kitchen, a slum area in Manhattan, New York. Adult Matt (Ben Affleck) with his partner Foggy Nelson (Jon Favreau), often prosecute cases of crimes related to the Kingpin and his right hand, Bullseye. Although not uncommon Matt won the case against the men Kingpin, but he also often lost so that the criminals are free. But Matt did not let them because that night, Matt turned into a superhero named Daredevil. With acrobatic skills trained for years and sensing capabilities supernya, Matt as Daredevil eradicate criminals outside legal channels.
On the way Matt as Daredevil, not infrequently he was confronted with the Kingpin and Bullseye Daredevil as an enemy that considers berbuyutan. In addition, Matt also must deal with a female assassin, Elektra Natchios who want to kill Daredevil as Elektra regarded as the party responsible for the death of his father. The problem between Daredevil and Elektra is also growing interest in one another. So arises the situation is quite confusing because they are so do not know whether to destroy each other or love each other.
It was told about a boy named Matt Murdock (Scott Terra) to save an elderly man from the blow of a truck. Although the old man survived, Matt had an accident because the transported radioactive trash truck spilled and hit Matt. Indeed, Matt survived but suffered blindness in her eyes. But not seseorangpun know that radioactive waste that just made Matt's four remaining senses become very sensitive and well above the normal limit. So he also gets the ability like radar that can monitor the situation around him.
Matt grew into the famous prosecutor in Hell's Kitchen, a slum area in Manhattan, New York. Adult Matt (Ben Affleck) with his partner Foggy Nelson (Jon Favreau), often prosecute cases of crimes related to the Kingpin and his right hand, Bullseye. Although not uncommon Matt won the case against the men Kingpin, but he also often lost so that the criminals are free. But Matt did not let them because that night, Matt turned into a superhero named Daredevil. With acrobatic skills trained for years and sensing capabilities supernya, Matt as Daredevil eradicate criminals outside legal channels.
On the way Matt as Daredevil, not infrequently he was confronted with the Kingpin and Bullseye Daredevil as an enemy that considers berbuyutan. In addition, Matt also must deal with a female assassin, Elektra Natchios who want to kill Daredevil as Elektra regarded as the party responsible for the death of his father. The problem between Daredevil and Elektra is also growing interest in one another. So arises the situation is quite confusing because they are so do not know whether to destroy each other or love each other.

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