Quality : DVDRip
Info : www.imdb.com/title/tt1334102
Starring : Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Hilary Swank and Christopher Lee
Genre : Drama | Horror | Thriller
R E S E N S I [Indonesia]
Apartemen itu memang sangat menggoda. Selain luas, pemandangan yang bisa dilihat dari sana pun sangat indah. Bukan itu saja, pemilik apartemen itu pun ramah dan selalu siap membantu. Jelas saja tak perlu waktu lama buat Dr. Juliet Dermer (Hilary Swank) untuk menentukan pilihan. Sayangnya, apa yang terlihat indah tak selalu benar-benar indah.
Juliet memang ingin memulai hidup baru sejak ia memutuskan berpisah dari suaminya. Apartemen ini adalah langkah awal Juliet memulai hidup baru itu. Awalnya memang tak ada masalah. Selain itu, Juliet tahu kalau menempati apartemen baru adalah hal yang biasa dan tak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan. Celakanya, dugaan Juliet ini tak sepenuhnya benar. Pelan-pelan Juliet mulai merasakan keanehan yang terjadi di sekitarnya.
Ia merasa kalau ia tak sendiri di dalam apartemennya. Berbagai kejadian aneh itu membuat Juliet mulai merasa resah. Juliet tahu ada yang mengawasi dirinya meski ia tak bisa membuktikan apapun. Di luar pengetahuan Juliet, ternyata Max (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), pemilik apartemen yang ia sewa ternyata punya niat jahat terhadap Juliet. Kini impian memiliki apartemen idaman itu musnah sudah dan Juliet harus berjuang keras untuk pergi dari tempat mengerikan itu.
R E V I E W [English]
The apartment was very tempting indeed. In addition to spacious, the view can be seen from there are very beautiful. Not only that, the apartment owner was friendly and always ready to help. Obviously it did not take long for Dr. Juliet Dermer (Hilary Swank) to make a choice. Unfortunately, what looks beautiful does not always really beautiful.
She did want to start a new life since she decided to separate from her husband. This apartment is the first step to start her new life. Initially there was no problem. Besides, she knew that occupy the new apartments are common and nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, alleged she was not entirely correct. Slowly she began to feel strange going on around him.
He felt if he was not alone in his apartment. Various strange things that made her begin to feel restless. She knows someone is watching him even though he could not prove anything. Outside Juliet's knowledge, it turns out Max (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), he leased the apartment owners turned out to have evil intentions towards Juliet. Now the dream has a dream apartment was destroyed already and she had to fight hard to get out of that horrible place.
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